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What We Do
Identification of Adivasi / Indigenous arts, crafts, and knowledge studying their relationship with the cultural heritage of communities in India.
Research, review, documentation and advocacy of Adivasi/ Indigenous art, crafts, and intangible cultural heritage.
Mapping and positioning Adivasi/Indigenous communities of artists and craftspeople in India.
Collaborative design innovation , design and product development, direction, diversification, capacity building, and skill up-gradation for Adivasi/ Indigenous artisans.
Contribute to the development of an Indian urban market for hand skills by bridging the gap between rural craftspeople and the urban consumer.
Marketing Platform
Marketing platform for artisans to elude exploitative middlemen. We provide retail sales outlets in major cities of India.
Provide Employment
Creating employment and sustainable livelihoods with fair hours, wages, healthcare, and family support and providing safer working conditions.
Social Awareness
Creating awareness regarding women and Adivasi/Indigenous rights so that they can safeguard their self-respect and identity.
We ACT by bringing in amendments that are within the company’s direct control. This includes are practices, policies, communication and investments that impact the women in our community and along the value chain.
We INFLUENCE by advocating and sharing knowledge and expertise with government and other stakeholders to drive policy change.
We ENABLE by supporting, incentivizing and investing in others parties like NGOs, business partners, and key stakeholders to accelerate women’s empowerment.

Our Impact
We are not just working with a factory or machines, we are working with people and communities.
Improved Income
Equitable employment & Improved Incomes.
Expanding capacity for design Interventions and marketing linkages.
Collective access to social protection and social security schemes.
Developing women's agency and voice through workers education and awareness to end gender-based violence at work and home.
Human Rights
Safe guarding human rights by strengthening the ability of artisans to make decisions concerning the control of their own heritage and welfare.
Empowering informal workers, especially women, has positive ripple effects in communities and societies. Rusicca celebrates the adivasi/indigenous culture as it lives today.
We work with communities about the cultural significance of adiviasi/indigenous designs and the right way to use them. When people buy our products, we can tell them a story. And then when someone asks them what they are wearing and about the product, they can share that story too.

We are not a brand working with just a factory or machines; we are working with people and communities. We produced through a batch process system: Our Products are carefully crafted with an eye for detail and not mass-produced.
Rusicaa works towards realizing a positive triple bottom line of people, planet and profit. We generate profits but our conscious about minimizing any negative impacts to people and our planet through our products, services and operations.

We at Rusicaa are conscious about growing our business while fulfilling the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The fashion industry is one of the largest employers in the world, especially for women. Estimates say that women make up roughly 80% of the supply chain, it makes sense that fashion and apparel are involved in not only sustainability discussion– but development- where the sector is a powerful driver of job creation. As a brand, we support the following UN Sustainable Development Goals that impacts the environment and the people who make our clothes.

The Fashion industry produces 10 percent of the world’s carbon emissions. As a brand, we try to be carbon neutral by planting one tree in the community around us for every sale on Rusicaa.com.